LOVE - what does it mean? It can be such an
overloaded word. It is often said without thought or meaning. "I love
cake." "I love you." Do we really love a slab of cake as much as
we love a person? And what do we mean when we say we love a person? Well I
guess it depends on the person or the relationship. Are they your soul mate, a
person that you have a passing infatuation with, a member of your family? Well
this play shows that there are many sides to Love. What will you do for another
person to show how much you love them? After
watching this play, it's not a Valentines card and a bunch of roses that show
you care. It's the small things in life that really matter. It’s the small
things that help you to keep going on.
Survival in the face of Poverty

It's an emotive topic, and one best for face to face discussion.
After the play, the group of us who watched it discussed it afterwards, both
together as a group, and also with one of the actors from the play. It was
interesting to hear his experiences as he researched his role and surprising
what points came to the table. Some we agreed on, some we didn't, but the most
notable element of the night was the level of discussion the play
A Different Point of View?
It was interesting being on the front row though. I missed a lot of the subtleties of the play when I was in London by being sat just a few rows back from the stage. From the front you can hear the muffled conversations going on behind closed bedroom doors; the anxiety and frustrations going on behind the closed bathroom door. You can see the tiny flickers and sparkles of emotion in the actor’s eyes. You were transported into the house they were sharing, not just invited to look through the window. Every now and again you became one of them. You weren't just a voyeur, you felt emotional attachments to each of these people, you wanted to shout at them, shake them, hug them, and tell them it would all be ok eventually. Eventually?! As if you could promise that with any certainty.
Is it Down to Luck or Hard Work?
The play is a huge emotional conflict because there is no easy answer to any of it. It's not black and white. I have no idea what goes on in the “real” world. I've worked since I was 17. I got a Saturday job and the boss kept it open for me when I went to university; " Just phone me when you get home or you need a few hours, I'll find a spot on the rota for you."
I’m a jack of all trades, turning my hand to whatever is thrown at me. I got a job on the shop floor selling crockery but quickly ended up working on the shop floor, in the stock room, in the restaurant and in the kitchen. I could serve, cook, organise people, use a till, add up, and even foresee what was required before it happened. I was useful and hardworking and always in demand if I wanted the hours. Even after an 18 year career as a professional trustee and then being made redundant I fell on my feet. I took a year out of the rat race, and just as I was getting ready to face the job seeking world, I got a phone call asking me if I would consider working as a Trustee for another firm. But sitting on that front row, I could now see that it could so easily have been so different for me. The majority of people in the UK are only 2 wage slips away from the plight of the people in the play. That statistic is still haunting me. What if I hadn’t received that phone call? What if I couldn’t get another job?
It’s easy to be Sceptical…
There are those that have seen the play who have been really affected
by it. They've experienced some of the issues first hand, and it is interesting
to hear their take on matters; but then there are those that say there are
systems in place and so don’t believe the sob stories…”there’s more to that
person’s story than meets the eye.”
I don’t really know what or who to believe, but I know that
somewhere along the line, the system has broken down. To have a society where if
you live in one council area you will be looked after properly, but if you live
in another, the council will spend thousands and thousands of pounds putting
people up in emergency accommodation for months on end in a property that is
barely habitable, well that can’t be right.
A Mother’s Love…
To me, Love is what makes great theatre. The actors, especially
Anna Calder-Marshall as Barbara and Nick Holder as her son Colin, really grip
you. There is a really poignant part of the play where Colin washes his mum’s
hair. He does it over the communal kitchen sink, with a pan of water and a
bottle of Fairy liquid!
Colin: D’you
want me to wash your hair?
Colin: Go
on you’ll feel better. Just a quick wash.
Colin: Go
on, you always feel happy after.
Use the fairy.
Colin: I’m
only trying to make you happy.
They cross to the kitchen.
Colin: You
lean over.
Colin: Don’t
get wet as you’ll get a cold.
He pours and she shrieks.
Fucking fuck, gone down me neck.
Colin: Aright,
Mum, I’ll put some fairy on. You’ve got lovely hair ain’t you.
Gone down me neck
Colin: You’re
alright, bab.
Colin: Squeaky
Golden princess
I love you.
Colin: I
love you too.
This scene really choked me…it showed two people trying to make the best out
of difficult circumstances in the only way they knew how. A simple act of kindness, worth its weight in gold.
Open Your Eyes
I had an interesting chat with a gentleman sat next to me
before and after the play in Birmingham. This was a piece of theatre that was so moving it provoked a reaction from everyone in the theatre. There could be an argument that the play
should be brought to a wider audience. Not to make people feel guilty, but to
give people another facet to the argument that there are all sorts of reasons why
people find themselves homeless.
Love does only show the problem from one point of would
be interesting to see another play from the system's point of view. In this
play the system has a lot to do with the situations that the characters find themselves
in. What if the people cutting the benefits and not helping those in need are
bound by chains we are unaware of? If we
could be given the 360 view of this complex situation, it might actually allow
us as a population to do something positive about it... and maybe that's the
real meaning of LOVE.
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