Girl About Town - Prague

After the past couple of days I've decided that maybe I should take it a bit easier, so heading into the centre of town to Klementinum for a guided tour. I believe that there is an amazing library there, and if there's something that goes well with a cup of tea, it's a book!

First stop on the tour was the Mirror Chapel, a gorgeous chapel lined with mirrors which is used for classical concerts. We then moved onto the Baroque library. A stunningly decorated room with frescoed ceiling depicting education and saintly motifs. A number of globes are also housed in the library showing both geographical locations, and astronomical ones. A number of books are currently missing as they have been removed to be digitally copied, so the library looked rather stark and no photographs were allowed to be taken!

As we climb up to the second floor, we enter the Meridian Hall which was used to determine noon, by the light of the sun hitting a string held taught across the floor. Many various astronomical devices are housed in this part of the building.

Finally we enter the top of the Astronomical Tower, about 52 metres high, where you can go out and look down on the city. It was certainly an interesting place to visit.

After lunch, and a short stop to try some green tea, as it was such a beautiful day, I headed down to Marksman's Island to chill out and read for a bit. As I pass the Franz Kafka sculpture most days on my way to and from my hotel, it seemed only fitting to read some of his stories. Very strange - that's all I'm prepared to say at this moment!!

Mirror Chapel - ~Klementinum

Gyokuro Kyoto - Japanese Green Tea

Looking out from Marksman's Island

Franz Kafka Statue

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